Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams

  • Title: Model Preparation for 3D Printing

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):


  • Duration: Delayed for administrative reasons

  • We seek to develop novel ways to prepare objects for 3D printing which better take into account limitations of the fabrication processes as well as real-world properties such as the mechanical strength of the printed object. This is especially important when targeting an audience which is not familiar with the intricacies of industrial design. We target complex, intricate shapes such as models of vegetation and highly detailed meshes, as well as models with thin walls such as architectural models. Our methods will modify the object geometry and topology while remaining as close as possible to its initial appearance.

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  • We have a long-term cooperation with the Gocad Consortium (Nancy school of Geology), with co-advised students. This resulted in some applications of our result to oil exploration, listed in the numerical simulation item above (Ph.D. theses of Arnaud Botella, Nicolas Cherpeau, Jeanne Pellerin);

  • We cooperate since 2008 with Wenping Wang's group (Hong-Kong University), on centroidal Voronoi tesselation. The last results of this cooperation on Sampling and Remeshing are published in : [22] Siam J. on Scientific Computing and [30] (SIGGRAPH 2013)

  • Cooperation with Pierre Poulin and Gilles-Philippe Paillé on volumetric distance minimization [26] (SGP 2009)

  • Cooperation with Tsinghua University (Jean-Claude Paul was Professor there from 2004 to 2013).

  • We started a research project with "Ateliers Cini", "Institut Jean Lamour" (IJL) and the "Ecole de Chirurgie de Nancy", to develop new 3D printers using novel types of materials developed by IJL. This project is funded by the "Region Lorraine" under the "Pacte Lorraine" program.